Posts Tagged ‘underwater loans’

BREAKING NEWS: Newark Votes, Approves Use of Eminent Domain to Fight Foreclosures–First Domino Falls

BREAKING NEWS: Newark Votes, Approves Use of Eminent Domain to Fight Foreclosures–First Domino Falls

The program would allow homeowners trapped in certain type of mortgage, known as a Private Label Security or PLS Loans, to voluntarily participate in a program where the City purchases these mortgages from investors and repackages them at terms homeowners... (Continue reading)

A Visit to the Front Lines: Richmond, California, Eminent Domain & Mortgage Resolution Partners

A Visit to the Front Lines: Richmond, California, Eminent Domain & Mortgage Resolution Partners

So, I went to visit Richmond, California, so I could see what the town looked like, and to sit and talk face to face with the CEO of Mortgage Resolution Partners. Join me below and I'll take you on... (Continue reading)

Four Million Homes Rise Above Water in Q4… Does anyone realize how stupid a headline that is?

Four Million Homes Rise Above Water in Q4… Does anyone realize how stupid a headline that is?

How about if we start a contest? I’d love to promote the, “Sell your home at the Zillow price and win your mortgage payments for a year” contest. It’s not like we’d need any money to do it…... (Continue reading)

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