Posts Tagged ‘pooling and servicing agreements’

GUEST POST: Mortgages, now in the hands of specialty servicers, means trouble for homeowners and investors.

GUEST POST: Mortgages, now in the hands of specialty servicers, means trouble for homeowners and investors.

During the past 12 months, the rights to service millions of home loans have been shifted from large banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Chase to specialty loan servicers like Ocwen Home Loan Servicing, Nationstar and SPS,... (Continue reading)

Court Denies Bank of America’s Petition for Re-hearing in Glaski Decision

Court Denies Bank of America's Petition for Re-hearing in Glaski Decision

Regardless of what happens going forward, perhaps this case and related decisions will lead to an increased willingness by state courts to take more care to examine the issues presented by homeowners and their lawyers, and lessen their tendency to... (Continue reading)

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner’s Boot Camp!

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner's Boot Camp!

Max Gardner is holding one more Boot Camp this calendar year at his beautiful 160-acre farm in Western North Carolina. It's almost sold out, but there are a few seats remaining so he decided to offer them at a... (Continue reading)

Upcoming Max Gardner Seminar: UCC’s Impact on Securitization and Foreclosure Defense

Upcoming Max Gardner Seminar: UCC's Impact on Securitization and Foreclosure Defense

Max Gardner, along with his faculty of expert guest speakers, will be delivering two specially designed in-depth sessions each one laser focused on the topic of the UCC's impact on mortgage securitization - and each of the seminars is specifically... (Continue reading)

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state's senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it's like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)

Mass Hysteria – The Iabanez Decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court

Mass Hysteria – The Iabanez Decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court

The bankers have blown it, and they've blown it big. To me it looks like there are multiple swords hanging over the heads of the too-big-to-fail crowd. They report fake earnings based on suspended accounting rules... they lie... (Continue reading)