What shall we tell the children, Mr. President? How can we tell them the truth? How can we tell them we've lost faith in America... that our government has abandoned us... that we no longer feel like a... (Continue reading)
See, these are the kinds of things that make me afraid of the world around me... like, now I don't want to even leave my house. Does stuff like this work on "investors?" What... are the "investors" he... (Continue reading)
Like the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, they've been summoned by the bankers to our nation's capital; flying in from around the country until they hit the steps of the U.S. Capital building... when they're transformed into lobbyists... (Continue reading)
They tried and tried to make the bank understand that they should not be foreclosing on their dream retirement home, but the arrogant pricks at Bank of America, or as it "˜s more appropriately called, "The House that Lewis Broke,"... (Continue reading)
Each year, right about this time, I write a political year-in-review, which is read to T'was the Night Before Christmas. Hope you enjoy it and that you have a fabulous season.... (Continue reading)
I don't know about you, but 1700 out of 650,000 makes me want to believe that the 1700 were mistakes that slipped through. It makes more sense to think that the HAMP program was designed to create foreclosures... and... (Continue reading)
1. A Trial Period Modification is NOT a Modification 2. Mandelman's Mandates... 3. Bernanke Blathers... 4. A Deflationary Spiral That Dreams of Being a Standstill 5. How's the President Doing With His Whole Loan Modification Thing? 6. How About a Principal Reduction? Why yes,... (Continue reading)