Posts Tagged ‘illegal foreclosure’

It’s Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times – A Mandelman Matters Podcast

It's Gretchen Morgenson from The New York Times - A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Lately, Gretchen has been really going strong on foreclosure-related topics... the fraudulent document scandal, the Fannie report, DocX, the AG settlement, so I thought now would be a good time to have her on a Mandelman Matters Podcast.... (Continue reading)

The Birth of Robo-Signing…

The Birth of Robo-Signing...

My office will investigate whether other banks engaged in such practices because these failings involve much more than mere technicalities, as GMAC/Ally has claimed. As a consumer advocate and attorney, I am dismayed and shocked that the bank blatantly skirted... (Continue reading)

GAO Study Published May 5th Discovers Illegal Foreclosures

GAO Study Published May 5th Discovers Illegal Foreclosures

Personally, I'm holding out for the U.S. Post Office's study of mortgage servicer performance, which I hear is going to be followed up by a scathing report being issued by the Bureau of Land Management in conjunction with the Department... (Continue reading)

New Fed Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin Gives Me Reason to Hope

New Fed Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin Gives Me Reason to Hope

I read her speech yesterday evening; parts actually gave me chills, and parts left me with a hopeful tear in my eye. She says almost exactly what I've written in my articles on at least dozens and at this... (Continue reading)

GMAC… Payments or Not, The Foreclosure Machine that Just Won’t Stop

GMAC… Payments or Not, The Foreclosure Machine that Just Won’t Stop

The first time GMAC foreclosed on the couple's home was back in 2001. Totally current on their mortgage payments, it must have come as quite a shock. Once in foreclosure, GMAC wouldn't accept their monthly payments, so... (Continue reading)