If you want to be successful in the reverse mortgage space going forward, you have to learn to operate effectively with trusted advisors to build networks of referral partners... like we've done for three years.... (Continue reading)
My point is that Kadlec does a decent job writing about the new HECM reverse mortgage... not a great job, but one that's better than most. And that's encouraging.... (Continue reading)
Forecast are predicting home prices will fall over the next 2-3 years. Some say by 10 percent, others say as much as 20 percent. Either way, no credible source is saying averages will rise in the 2-3 years.... (Continue reading)
The latest example of bad information on reverse mortgages is by Lisa Prevost, The New York Times, who promises to present "realities of reverse mortgages." And then doesn't.... (Continue reading)
Do you think you already know enough about reverse mortgages? Well, I promise... you don't. Listen to this and learn things you can't learn anywhere else. ... (Continue reading)
Is it even possible to be financially prepared for thirty years of living without getting a paycheck from work? The answer is simple: INCOME. And even without savings it can be done.... (Continue reading)
Okay, Ben you blew it on reverse mortgages, but I feel certain that you'll try very hard not to let it happen again. It's important, because if you get it wrong, you might end up writing something that ends... (Continue reading)
According to a new report from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, as of 2010, “40 percent of households 65 and up were still paying a mortgage.” In 1992, according to the report, there were only about 18 percent over... (Continue reading)
Reverse mortgages can help us deal with the Black Swan event we're most familiar with today... the meltdown in home prices that began in 2007 and left tens of millions of American homeowners "underwater," or in other words, owing more... (Continue reading)
In fact, by doing it with a HECM mortgage, you increase your chances of being able to leave your home to your kids free and clear because you've eliminated the risk that you'll end up in foreclosure because you couldn't... (Continue reading)
And reverse mortgages keep homes safe from foreclosure, and millions of seniors have lost homes from foreclosure over the last five years. Many were denied loan modifications because they had equity in their homes. I can't help but... (Continue reading)
Having saved $2 million in your retirement nest egg is a wonderful accomplishment, and if you've done so, you are to be commended. But, it does not mean that you have nothing to worry about when facing what could... (Continue reading)
Doesn't anyone think it's bad form to misinform senior citizens... to scare older Americans away from a source of money that could easily be a couple hundred thousand dollars or more by feeding them inaccurate and misleading garbage disguised as... (Continue reading)