The foreclosure crisis is not getting better, as many would have you believe... in fact, it's getting worse once again... as its done many times over the last 6 years. ... (Continue reading)
Here lies the body of Mary Lee; tried to modify her loan when she was 33. For over five years she fought to keep her sanity; didn't tell a soul as a matter of vanity. ... (Continue reading)
Maybe the mainstream media has simply gotten tired of the foreclosure crisis. It's not like they've ever had a particularly good handle on what's going on in real life when it come to foreclosures and loan modifications in general.... (Continue reading)
Type "extreme sports" into YouTube's search bar today and you may not even believe what you see. There's no question that extreme sports have gotten way more extreme than they've ever been in the past. In fact, some of what... (Continue reading)
We have to take steps to put an end to foreclosures caused by the meltdown... not slow them down with another bandage, but actually make a commitment to stop the bleeding. We have to come to realize what's still happening... (Continue reading)
Once a mortgage is underwater... should you get hit with a life event such as a divorce, illness, injury, job loss or income reduction... you can't sell your home... and you can't borrow against it to help you get through... (Continue reading)
In the past, reverse mortgages were seen as something only to be used as a last resort. But, in the past we had more options for borrowing money. ... (Continue reading)
Being behind on your mortgage is never any fun, but don't listen to those that would have you believe that the loan modification process hasn't changed at Bank of America over the last few years because they're wrong... it's much... (Continue reading)
So, I know... you want to read about how a homeowner won some major victory in the courts somewhere... or how someone filed and got quiet title to their property... or how a bank couldn't figure out who owned a... (Continue reading)
This newly renovated version of HAMP has been touted as being a major improvement to the HAMP program, and in many ways it is significantly better. ... (Continue reading)