Now, you tell me... why doesn't every single Realtor in the country know about this older-buyer assistance program from HUD? I know it's relatively new... since 2009... but that's still five years ago. How long should it take... (Continue reading)
I just want to point out that California homeowners should not be in any sort of hurry to follow in the footsteps of Robinson v. MERS. While I understand why many homeowners would describe this case in positive terms...... (Continue reading)
Now, I'm not saying that anyone should have known about any of this. The fact is that his article, and others I've written in the recent past, appear to be the first in the country to propose switching to... (Continue reading)
So, the mortgage industry has seen originations fall in a single year by 60-70 percent, but the housing markets are okay, in fact they're recovering all around us every day, and prices are up. ... (Continue reading)
In fact, by doing it with a HECM mortgage, you increase your chances of being able to leave your home to your kids free and clear because you've eliminated the risk that you'll end up in foreclosure because you couldn't... (Continue reading)
And reverse mortgages keep homes safe from foreclosure, and millions of seniors have lost homes from foreclosure over the last five years. Many were denied loan modifications because they had equity in their homes. I can't help but... (Continue reading)
The real danger of mass joinder lawsuit scams is that the homeowners wouldn't find out for several years that they'd been scammed, when finally a court dismissed their suits, and they were harder for authorities to police and shut down... (Continue reading)
But, make no mistake about it... that evening back in the late 60's... Mom let him live. She let him off with a song about a Kenmore dishwasher from Sears... a song that sounded a lot like "Home on... (Continue reading)
If you switch your traditional mortgage to a reverse mortgage and you miss a payment, no one cares... if you miss three payments, no one cares... want to take the whole year off and make no mortgage payments... perfectly fine...... (Continue reading)
I know what sorts of headlines run rampant through the media these days. It's nothing new... it's been going on non-stop since at least 2008. It's also utter and complete nonsense.... (Continue reading)
Having saved $2 million in your retirement nest egg is a wonderful accomplishment, and if you've done so, you are to be commended. But, it does not mean that you have nothing to worry about when facing what could... (Continue reading)