Posts Tagged ‘new century’

Hawaii Court rules: No valid assignment means Deutsche has no standing to foreclose

Hawaii Court rules: No valid assignment means Deutsche has no standing to foreclose

Last week, Hawaii homeowners at risk of foreclosure had reason to be pleased.  Not ecstatic… not jubilant… and certainly not electrified, as other bloggers have intimated might be appropriate.  The decision is not cause for any of those emotions… there’s... (Continue reading)

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS – Understanding government’s failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS - Understanding government's failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

And, to add insult to injury, our government has stood by obtuse and witless as these same banks have been permitted to lie, mislead, abuse, disrespect, malign and outright torture homeowners trying to apply for a government program funded by... (Continue reading)

THE SiGNiNG… Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

THE SiGNiNG... Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

So, why didn't the bankers assign the loans to the trusts? I don't know... for sure. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you it's because they wanted to borrow against them, and... (Continue reading)

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FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

Uh oh. Someone's gonna' be in big trouble... as in... Lucy, you got some "˜splainin' to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)

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