The reverse mortgage didn't cause Mr. Feil any harm. In fact, it's because of the HECM reverse mortgage that Mr. Feil was able to keep the home instead of losing it to foreclosure.... (Continue reading)
Here lies the body of Mary Lee; tried to modify her loan when she was 33. For over five years she fought to keep her sanity; didn't tell a soul as a matter of vanity. ... (Continue reading)
See, because in the old days public servants, those that worked for the government, seemed to make less money than Phil Donahue or Marlo Thomas. They didn't used to have 7,379-sq.ft. 1911 wood and stucco $25 million Greens... (Continue reading)
The bill is important at a time like this, because it would clearly encourage more lawyers to represent homeowners in foreclosure actions "because attorneys can be confident, if successful, that they will be paid for their work." And, as... (Continue reading)
A Hundred Thousand Homeowners - A wake-up call in Washington. By contributing $1.00, you'll be supporting something important... something that will be heard... something that will make a difference, because when politicians see that 100,000 people have taken the time to... (Continue reading)