Constitutional law scholar and Dean of UCI Law School, Erwin Chemerinsky talks with me about the Trump Presidency in terms of what he thinks Trump will be able to do... and what our constitution won't allow him to do.... (Continue reading)
Trump is now saying that there's a conspiracy to throw votes to Hillary by casting ballots on behalf of dead people... and that's simply not true.... (Continue reading)
It's the Obama Administration's handling of the foreclosure crisis has left millions of Americans so mad they can't see straight and at this point, don't want to try. Want to know what created Trump v. Hillary? Maybe that... (Continue reading)
I don't believe that the GOP wants to win the upcoming election. Oh, they want to hold onto their majority in the House, but beyond that I think they like having a democrat to blame.... (Continue reading)
Have we lost 10 million homes to foreclosure yet? Does anyone even care?... (Continue reading)
HAMP is guaranteed to do no more than it has done to-date, and that new defaults and re-defaults will continue to perpetuate the crisis, causing millions more Americans to lose homes unnecessarily.... (Continue reading)
I’m fed up with, essentially everything. First of all, we live in a country that, politically speaking, is so comically deadlocked as to be incapable of doing anything. We’re like a quadriplegic, completely paralyzed from the neck down, pretending to... (Continue reading)
Each year, right about this time, I write a political year-in-review, which is read to T'was the Night Before Christmas. Hope you enjoy it and that you have a fabulous season.... (Continue reading)