Posts Tagged ‘Hank Paulson’

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again…

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again...

So... in "Pillage," Nomi Prins explains in terms anyone can understand that factoring in the leverage at 11:1, we're looking at a $140 TRILLION economic problem... yes, you read that correctly... that's trillion, with a 'T'... (Continue reading)

The Care Bair – FDIC’s Sheila Bair Wants Principal Reductions from Banks With Loss Sharing Agreements

 The Care Bair - FDIC's Sheila Bair Wants Principal Reductions from Banks With Loss Sharing Agreements

I know... you think not modifying those loans is punishing the homeowners for getting in over their heads... but in realty, it's not punishing them... it's punishing you... you are running about, commenting on blogs, advocating the kicking of your... (Continue reading)

Foreclosures Poised to Take Down the U.S. Banking System… and even entire economy, says Whalen. (Ya’ think?)

Foreclosures Poised to Take Down the U.S. Banking System… and even entire economy, says Whalen.  (Ya’ think?)

"Laurie Goodman of Amherst Securities predicts that 1 in 5 mortgages could go into foreclosure without radical action." Now just a minute here... you're not saying that one out of five people with mortgages are "irresponsible sub-prime borrowers who never... (Continue reading)

Greenspan Says Housing is Nowhere Near Bottom

Greenspan Says Housing is Nowhere Near Bottom

It's amazing how different it is when you're the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, as opposed to being the retired Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ... (Continue reading)

For Bankers of Failed Financial Institutions… the Pain Is Not Over Yet

For Bankers of Failed Financial Institutions… the Pain Is Not Over Yet

Shiela! There you are! Where the heck have you been girl? Last I heard, Hank Paulson sent you for coffee, and you've been standing in Geithner's shadow ever since. It's about damn time, girl! ... (Continue reading)

The People of the United States v. Wall Street’s Bankers

The People of the United States v. Wall Street’s Bankers

As I've watched the economy deteriorate over the last two years, I have been amazed and bewildered at our government's response, or lack thereof. And the more I've learned, the worse I've felt about our ability to fix what... (Continue reading)

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