The Monday Morning Economist

I Had a Dream, Obama was Debating Romney and MSNBC was the Host

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Attention DOERS… You DID IT Again! SunTrust Responds.

Attention DOERS... You DID IT Again!  SunTrust Responds.

Marty said that the SunTrust Bank executive said they should be able to do something to prevent her from losing her home. Marty said it was the first time in four years that she felt like someone was actually... (Continue reading)

Chase? Hello? Mr. Dimon? Are You Really Going to Do This to a Single Mom in this Situation?

Chase?  Hello?  Mr. Dimon?  Are You Really Going to Do This to a Single Mom in this Situation?

It was a bad path to be on, as things turned out, but she didn't know that for about 18 months. Right up until the day Chase sold her home without any real notice, Chase kept saying that they... (Continue reading)

Family Net Worth Chart from Forbes…

Family Net Worth Chart from Forbes...

... (Continue reading)

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It’s WRONG

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It's WRONG

In just two days from now, on Monday, January 30, 2012, at 3:00 PM... a terrible, tragic and yet easily avoidable event is scheduled to occur... and MUST BE STOPPED. OneWest Bank is scheduled to conduct a foreclosure auction... (Continue reading)

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner’s Boot Camp!

Last Minute Discounts on Max Gardner's Boot Camp!

Max Gardner is holding one more Boot Camp this calendar year at his beautiful 160-acre farm in Western North Carolina. It's almost sold out, but there are a few seats remaining so he decided to offer them at a... (Continue reading)

Securitization Workshop in Sacramento, December 11, 2010… for Attorneys & Other Interested Parties

Securitization Workshop in Sacramento, December 11, 2010... for Attorneys & Other Interested Parties

This Securitization Workshop promises to be important, educational, and entertaining... it may be designed for lawyers, but I know lots of homeowners that would enjoy attending, and likely come away with actionable knowledge that could help save theirs and millions... (Continue reading)