Attention DOERS… You DID IT Again! SunTrust Responds.
Well, DOERS… You’ve done it once again. I hope you’re proud of yourselves…
… because I’m certainly proud of YOU!
An executive from SunTrust Bank called Marty Fisk first thing this morning to tell her that SunTrust would be taking a more careful look at her application for a loan modification. Not bad when you consider that I posted the DOER ALERT Friday night at 6:30 pm. The woman from the bank was calling from her home.
So, thank you, SunTrust Bank… and Mr. Rogers, CEO. I really appreciate you responding.
Marty says that the woman who called was very nice and asked her what she was looking to do related to he loan. Marty explained that she was hoping to get her interest rate reduced and her missed payments recapitalized into her loan so she could resume making her payments.
Marty said that the SunTrust Bank executive said they should be able to do something to prevent her from losing her home. Marty said it was the first time in four years that she felt like someone was actually paying attention and wanted to help.
So, SunTrust will be reviewing Marty’s case first thing on Monday morning and will call her on Monday to discuss things further. I will, of course, keep you posted on any developments.
Marty asked the woman how she got her number and was told that there was a blog that brought her case to their attention. Marty called to tell me that I must have some clout, but I said, “Well… it’s not just me…”
It’s my DOERS that DID it!
They’re the kind of people that gets things DONE.
Now, if you have any extra punch left in you, how about lobbing an email to the man who can lose billions without breaking a sweat, but can’t be bothered to help a disabled single mom with an autistic child in rural California stay in her home after 18 months of applying for a loan modification. This one is late in the game, in fact, she could be evicted at any moment, but if anyone can DO something about it, YOU CAN.
Mr. Dimon? Are You Really Going to Do This to a Single Mom in This Situation?
Thank you for all that you DO! You matter a lot.
Mandelman out.