January, 2010

ONCE AND FOR ALL, THE ANSWER IS YES. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and you need a lawyer… Period.

ONCE AND FOR ALL, THE ANSWER IS YES.  Water is wet, the sky is blue, and you need a lawyer… Period.

So, when an attorney fails to get a bank to agree that it would make more sense to modify a loan... when it would, by the way... and the bank forecloses anyway... let's blame the people that are actually to... (Continue reading)

Books I’ve Loved Reading… The Great Depression Diary

Books I've Loved Reading... The Great Depression Diary

The Great Depression Diary By Benjamin Roth Benjamin Roth was born in the last years of the nineteenth century, passed the Bar Exam during the Roaring Twenties and was a practicing attorney in 1929 when over a few days in... (Continue reading)

BREAKING NEWS: Treasury Announces Much-Awaited Major Improvements to HAMP Loan Modifications

BREAKING NEWS: Treasury Announces Much-Awaited Major Improvements to HAMP Loan Modifications

Recognizing that the Making Home Affordable and HAMP loan modification plan are ridiculous failures, President Obama and Secretary Geithner worked tirelessly and today announced how they've fixed the problems.... (Continue reading)

Bank of America Forecloses on Florida Home. Big Deal. (Oops, Wrong House.)

Bank of America Forecloses on Florida Home.  Big Deal.  (Oops, Wrong House.)

They tried and tried to make the bank understand that they should not be foreclosing on their dream retirement home, but the arrogant pricks at Bank of America, or as it "˜s more appropriately called, "The House that Lewis Broke,"... (Continue reading)

Journalists on Crack: Are Lawyers Turning to Crime in Tough Times?

Journalists on Crack: Are Lawyers Turning to Crime in Tough Times?

Oh for Christ's sake Miller, don't you have anything better to do than to scare people out of hiring a lawyer when at risk of losing their home? Because that's all this kind of crap is accomplishing, don't you... (Continue reading)

Today’s Weather in India – Low 80s, Not a Cloud in the Sky.

Today’s Weather in India - Low 80s, Not a Cloud in the Sky.

So, I bet you're wondering how this whole thing happened. Funny story... I was actually trying to get my mortgage modified and since President Obama announced that there was now a fabulous government help-line phone number I could call,... (Continue reading)

Returning Home From Speaking at the ABA’s Consumer Financial Services Conference on Loan Modifications

Returning Home From Speaking at the ABA’s Consumer Financial Services Conference on Loan Modifications

If any private sector attorney thinks that he or she can practice autonomously, hidden away in a little box, pretending to exist under some sort of imaginary radar... and that somehow federal or state regulators are supposed to know that... (Continue reading)

Bringing Up the Rear: President Barack Obama

Bringing Up the Rear: President Barack Obama

Guys... we have problems, big problems... problems that President Obama hasn't even commented on publicly since last February! Not even a comment, Mr. President? What are you thinking? And please don't say "health care reform,' because I... (Continue reading)

OC Lawyer Arrested for Defrauding 400 Homeowners with Promises of Loan Modifications – DA Presses Criminal Charges

OC Lawyer Arrested for Defrauding 400 Homeowners with Promises of Loan Modifications – DA Presses Criminal Charges

awyers that "scam" people harm their victims, harm the profession, and harm our nation. They scare homeowners from seeking legitimate representation. We are entering a period in which we as homeowners, will need to depend on lawyers to... (Continue reading)

Look What Alan Zibel of Associated Press Finally Figured Out

Alan, what are you babbling about... a recovery in the housing market last summer? Are you a crack smoker, Alan? I'm so sick of this kind of propaganda being espoused by know-nothing journalists that it's making me physically... (Continue reading)

Martha Coakley, My Dear… You Are An Inspiration

Martha Coakley, My Dear… You Are An Inspiration

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is hunting for bank. She just bagged Goldman Sachs, among others, and they're writing down mortgages faster than you can say "fraudulent securitization". She's my God damn hero. I think I'm voting for her for... (Continue reading)

CNBC’s Diana Olick’s Husband is More Than Just a Little Scared Tonight…

CNBC’s Diana Olick’s Husband is More Than Just a Little Scared Tonight…

The idea behind principal reductions is to prevent the United States banking system from imploding, and to prevent the deflationary spiral we've been in for the last two years from becoming a full scale depression from which we are unlikely... (Continue reading)

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