Once a mortgage is modified, what would a loan modification company do if the customer didn't pay the bill? Threaten to ruin the homeowner's credit? You must be kidding. These are people that almost lost their homes.... (Continue reading)
Today was a very sad day for me. Today was the day that I discovered the truth about something that I had been certain was just the result of the administration being misguided. They didn't know, I reasoned.... (Continue reading)
I cannot even believe what’s going on in our country today. I am so totally pissed off at greedy, obnoxious, mega-rich corporate executive fat cats that I can’t see straight. Apparently, and I am not making any of this up,... (Continue reading)
What kind of world do we live in when you can't trust an organization like the Better Business Bureau? Talk about sad. What's next? Will I find out that the Red Cross sells blood to the highest... (Continue reading)
But, Goldman Sachs... you're a liar. A phony. A manipulator of the rules. A company willing to mislead, misinform and malign. You cannot be trusted. And during times like these, to act in such a... (Continue reading)
Here we have a senior official who declined to speak on the record because: "the extent of the disclosures were still being debated?" Were they now? By the Obama administration? Now that's transparency. Change I can Goddamn... (Continue reading)
Yes, you read that right… just one very lonely mortgage. Only 399,999 more to reach their goal! Well, it’s been a long time coming in my opinion, but Brian Sullivan of Fox Business News has finally looked under the covers... (Continue reading)
Well, it seems like just yesterday when Wells Fargo Bank was announcing its shockingly high profits for Q1 of 2009… and I was writing an article saying that based on the Wells Fargo press release, it was time to go... (Continue reading)
Oh, hell... the fact is, tying the amount of "credit extended" to TARP funds is ridiculous. The TARP funds were invested by the government to recapitalize banks, not to provide funds that would be lent to borrowers, and making statements... (Continue reading)
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston released the results of its in-depth study on President Obama's plan to solve the foreclosure crisis, and the conclusions shocked politicians and bureaucrats alike from coast to coast. ... (Continue reading)
President Obama has apparently embarked upon a campaign to put all private sector loan modification firms out of business because some are apparently scams. It's a curious approach when you consider that there have been and continue to be... (Continue reading)
The government's responsibility here is to regulate the loan modification industry to protect consumers. You know, punish the bad guys and leave the good guys to do their jobs, help homeowners who are in trouble, and earn a fair... (Continue reading)
The interview went great. The guy was wonderful. He explained everything he goes through with customers and for customers and I gained a much deeper understanding of what was actually involved in a loan modification. He even offered to call... (Continue reading)
What follows is the text of a letter I sent to Senator Feinstein today. The situation is grave and worsening as related to private sector loan modification companies. Soon they will all be gone if something isn't done... (Continue reading)