State budgets have to be suffering from reduced income and sales taxes, don't they? Higher unemployment obviously means fewer people working and those that are still working... are making less money, so it stands to reason that income tax... (Continue reading)
Yesterday, for the first time since the recession began, the Wall Street Journal survey of 50 economists now say that incomes in this country have been falling since 2000 and they don't expect us to make up the lost ground... (Continue reading)
Look people... don't get bummed out about this study, because a few years from now the NBER is probably going to refer to today as having been a peak. ... (Continue reading)
Just think about it... millions of children being evicted from homes while according to the latest Fannie Mae survey, 53% of Americans blame the borrowers for buying homes they couldn't afford... do you know how stupid that sounds? ... (Continue reading)
When that is understood by the majority of Americans, I believe we will finally be ready to throw away the meaningless distinctions, "responsible homeowners and irresponsible homeowners," and we'll return to just being American homeowners. ... (Continue reading)
It made me sad to know what Treasury Department officials had said about the foreclosure crisis and HAMP... very, very sad. In fact, I can't think of another time in history when my government acted as these guys have... (Continue reading)
Because, believe it or not, not everyone agrees with our Treasury Secretary, or our President for that matter, when they say that our economy is "on track". In fact, many think that quite the opposite is the case, and... (Continue reading)
The Great Depression Diary By Benjamin Roth Benjamin Roth was born in the last years of the nineteenth century, passed the Bar Exam during the Roaring Twenties and was a practicing attorney in 1929 when over a few days in... (Continue reading)