Regardless of what happens going forward, perhaps this case and related decisions will lead to an increased willingness by state courts to take more care to examine the issues presented by homeowners and their lawyers, and lessen their tendency to... (Continue reading)
Last week, Hawaii homeowners at risk of foreclosure had reason to be pleased. Not ecstatic… not jubilant… and certainly not electrified, as other bloggers have intimated might be appropriate. The decision is not cause for any of those emotions… there’s... (Continue reading)
Max Gardner, along with his faculty of expert guest speakers, will be delivering two specially designed in-depth sessions each one laser focused on the topic of the UCC's impact on mortgage securitization - and each of the seminars is specifically... (Continue reading)
Wake up people, we're running out of time. We need to do better and that means we need to get smarter. And since I still have faith that our laws will prevail, we'll be needing our nation's lawyers... (Continue reading)
If I have to introduce Alabama foreclosure defense attorney Nick Wooten to you, then you're not much of a foreclosure crisis news junkie, because Nick has made headlines for his lawsuits against the banksters on behalf of homeowners as much... (Continue reading)
The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state's senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it's like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)
Uh oh. Someone's gonna' be in big trouble... as in... Lucy, you got some "˜splainin' to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)