Posts Tagged ‘loan modification scammers’

O.C. Superior Court Judge Agrees State Bar WRONG on SB 94, But…

O.C. Superior Court Judge Agrees State Bar WRONG on SB 94, But...

Apparently, Orange County Superior Court Judge William H. Monroe is not only a judge and a lawyer, but he's a READER too! And one might think that lawyers all over California would be popping open the champagne... or at... (Continue reading)

On Friday I turned 50 years old, and although I haven’t changed, this country sure has…

On Friday I turned 50 years old, and although I haven’t changed, this country sure has...

What's changed is this country. It's not at all the same as it's been throughout my lifetime, in fact it's very different in quite a few substantive ways... do you feel it too, or is it just me? ... (Continue reading)

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS – Understanding government’s failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

THEY ONCE WERE LENDERS - Understanding government's failure to stop bankers OR scammers from destroying homeowners.

And, to add insult to injury, our government has stood by obtuse and witless as these same banks have been permitted to lie, mislead, abuse, disrespect, malign and outright torture homeowners trying to apply for a government program funded by... (Continue reading)