Posts Tagged ‘ken lewis’

The Luckiest Bankers the World Has Ever Seen! And They’re Ours! Yay!

The Luckiest Bankers the World Has Ever Seen!  And They're Ours!  Yay!

Assuming you were such an adept trader of securities that you had a 70% probability of making money on any given trading day, which would, by the way, pretty much make you a God of Wall Street... the odds that... (Continue reading)

Is Bank of America Worth $200 Billion?

Is Bank of America Worth $200 Billion?

Bank of America bought Countrywide for $4 billion and change. That sounds funny to me now. You've got to admit it. The idea that someone would PAY money for Countywide has to make you giggle at least... (Continue reading)

Bank of America’s “Tasmanian Devil” says we shouldn’t be thinking of our homes as “assets”.

Bank of America's

Now, if all of that weren't enough to make the case for Bryan Moynihan being this month's REAR, here's what really got me started on him in the first place. Last month, at the 2011 National Association of Attorneys... (Continue reading)

BoA’s Bad Bank – Pay No Attention to the 6.7 Million Loans Behind the Curtain

BoA's Bad Bank - Pay No Attention to the 6.7 Million Loans Behind the Curtain

See, these are the kinds of things that make me afraid of the world around me... like, now I don't want to even leave my house. Does stuff like this work on "investors?" What... are the "investors" he... (Continue reading)

If at first you don’t succeed, CRIME, CRIME again.

If at first you don’t succeed, CRIME, CRIME again.

I'm not going to attempt to write some scathing or potentially insightful commentary about Mr. Mozilo, I'm sure that's been done many times before, and frankly... he bores me to no end. But, at the same time I felt... (Continue reading)

T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

T’was the Night Before Christmas… 2010

I write this political year-in-review holiday poem every year. I love doing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will send it to others of like mind as well. Happy Holidays!... (Continue reading)