I'm not going to attempt to write some scathing or potentially insightful commentary about Mr. Mozilo, I'm sure that's been done many times before, and frankly... he bores me to no end. But, at the same time I felt... (Continue reading)
ACCE says that now they plan to up the ante by " bringing together the collective power of the homeowners themselves in alliance with their supporters among labor unions, the religious community and community organizations." And in fact, among... (Continue reading)
So, take a few minutes and write to your elected representative about this. No one else, unless you feel like it, just your person in Congress. Tell them this line of thought is unacceptable, that we want Elizabeth... (Continue reading)
Potential Game-Changer Alert... District Court Judge Says Homeowner is the Intended Third Party Beneficiary to the contract between Fannie and servicers... and that means the right to sue yours.... (Continue reading)
Well, today Bank of America employees in Kansas City, Loa Angeles, Charlotte and other cities around the country have filed a lawsuit alleging that our nation's largest bank cheated its employees out of $100 million in overtime pay. The... (Continue reading)
2. Goldman must either start lending like a bank, or it's not allowed to keep its status as a "Financial Holding Company," which is what allows it to put more than $125 BILLION at risk without having to worry about... (Continue reading)
I cannot even believe what’s going on in our country today. I am so totally pissed off at greedy, obnoxious, mega-rich corporate executive fat cats that I can’t see straight. Apparently, and I am not making any of this up,... (Continue reading)
But, Goldman Sachs... you're a liar. A phony. A manipulator of the rules. A company willing to mislead, misinform and malign. You cannot be trusted. And during times like these, to act in such a... (Continue reading)