Posts Tagged ‘document fraud’

Some of Lynn Szymoniak’s Millions May Belong to Someone Else

Some of Lynn Szymoniak's Millions May Belong to Someone Else

And I can say that, in my opinion, regardless of the outcome... AT BEST... Lynn Szymoniak handled the situation very, very poorly. And, AT WORST... her behavior was deceitful to the point of being unconscionable, and a total abdication... (Continue reading)

Colorado Failing… Foreclosures By Wink, Nod or Text Message

Colorado Failing... Foreclosures By Wink, Nod or Text Message

Known as the "statement of qualified holder," it doesn't require a lawyer to look at anything that shows the bank holds the original mortgage, but even more stunning is that it also provides lawyers with complete absolution from any wrongdoing... (Continue reading)

California Foreclosure Laws Need Homeowner Bill of Rights

California Foreclosure Laws Need Homeowner Bill of Rights

Now, as we're facing a crisis of unprecedented proportion, we're learning the hard way that our rights as borrowers are almost non-existent. In California and around the country, foreclosure defense lawyers saw that mortgage servicers could far too often... (Continue reading)