Posts Tagged ‘chase bank’

Fannie Mae Wants Consequences for Strategic Default

Fannie Mae Wants Consequences for Strategic Default

Fannie Mae hates strategic default. Then you say it's bad for communities, Terrence, why do you think that's the case? I mean... bad is a relative term, wouldn't you agree. And, in terms of doing bad things... (Continue reading)

How Banks View Loan Modifications

How Banks View Loan Modifications

They're manipulating you into feeling ashamed for being in trouble on your mortgage... but don't let them make you feel that way. It's not your fault... it's the banks that wear the black hats in this horror movie, make... (Continue reading)

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INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

INSIDE CHASE and the Perfect Foreclosure

"And we documented what went on with each file so that if the investor came in to audit the files, everything would be accurate in terms of what had transpired and in what time frame. It was all about... (Continue reading)

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

FHFA Subpoenas Data from 64 Issuers of Mortgage Backed Securities

Uh oh. Someone's gonna' be in big trouble... as in... Lucy, you got some "˜splainin' to do. Is it warm in here all of a sudden?... (Continue reading)

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HAMP’s New Enhancements are Stupid and I’m Getting Tired of Stupid

HAMP’s New Enhancements are Stupid and I’m Getting Tired of Stupid

They did it again, damn it. The Harvard contingent that's packed in like sardines in this administration once again demonstrated that they have no idea what they're doing when it comes to the foreclosure crisis.... (Continue reading)

What We All Should Have Learned by Now About Loan Modifications

What We All Should Have Learned by Now About Loan Modifications

Okay class... if you've been keeping up with your reading assignments, then the following should be no problem for you to keep up with... but it also may cause motion sickness.... (Continue reading)