Posts Tagged ‘Bernie Madoff’


If no one else is going to go to jail having to do with the financial meltdown, then I don't actually care if Bernie is in there either. I mean, if crime pays... then let's embrace the change. ... (Continue reading)

Alright Banker-People… That’s Enough. You’re Not Making Sense and You’re Making Me Dizzy

Alright Banker-People… That’s Enough.  You’re Not Making Sense and You’re Making Me Dizzy

You don't think so? Then tell me what you think would happen if I walked into a courtroom and handed the judge a fraudulent set of documents requesting that he ignore procedures designed to protect property rights in this... (Continue reading)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Our Tax Dollars at Work

How many homes could we have saved with $111 MILLION, Wendy? How many people could we have fed... or trained to be able to get a new job one day? We're talking about $111 MILLION, damn it. ... (Continue reading)