Posts Tagged ‘arizona foreclosure laws’

Arizona Foreclosure News – More like a motivational pep talk for Realtors

Arizona Foreclosure News - More like a motivational pep talk for Realtors

RealtyTrac is so entirely full of horsey do-do that the entire organization should be lined up against a wall and shot a dawn for pedaling garbage statistics in a state still being decimated by the foreclosure crisis.... (Continue reading)

Arizona Foreclosure Laws

Arizona Foreclosure Laws

CLICK BELOW FOR: State of Arizona Foreclosure Laws The link above will take you to the page dedicated to Arizona’s foreclosure laws.  But, always remember… often people have a hard time understanding exactly what our laws mean just by reading... (Continue reading)

Arizona’s SB 1451 – Does Arizona Have the Right to Save Itself from Drowning in Underwater Loans?

Arizona's SB 1451 - Does Arizona Have the Right to Save Itself from Drowning in Underwater Loans?

Senate Bill 1451 only uses PRIVATE MONEY. There is no government money involved, no subsidies, no guarantees, and no taxes. This Program utilizes a completely different structure than any current mortgage program. It includes a cash insurance... (Continue reading)