Posts Tagged ‘arizona foreclosure law’

Mandelman on Arizona’s Channel 12 NBC News… And other news.

While in Phoenix filming a documentary on the foreclosure crisis, I got a call from NBC Channel 12 reporter Melissa Blasius who said she had heard I was in town and wanted to feature what I was doing in one... (Continue reading)

KPHO Channel 5 Arizona Airs Story on Rep. Seel’s Principal Reduction

KPHO Channel 5 Arizona Airs Story on Rep. Seel's Principal Reduction

Spolier Alert: Rep. Seel, who wonder of wonders... serves on the... wait for it... BANKING AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE... DENIES that his $100,000 principal reduction had anything to do with his decision to run late that day and not propose the... (Continue reading)

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

Bankers Apoplectic Over Arizona’s Republican Dominated Senate Passing Chain of Title Bill, 28-2

The only reason this bill is being pushed through the Arizona legislature is that one of that state's senators actually tried to rescind her own predatory loan and found out first hand what it's like to have to deal with... (Continue reading)