California Senate Passes SB 94 Legislation, Now Up To State Assembly

Tweet The California State Senate has passed Senate Bill 94 (“SB 94”), legislation proposed by Sen. Ron S. Calderon (D-Montebello), Chairman of the Banking, Finance & Insurance Committee. The senate passed the bill on May 21, 2009, by a vote... (Continue reading)

Tired of the Lying: 55,000 Helped by Obama Mortgage Rescue

Tired of the Lying: 55,000 Helped by Obama Mortgage Rescue

But why, if a bank refuses to modify a loan to the point where the borrower can remain in his or her house, and instead chooses to sell it at some moment in time, would we possibly want to tell... (Continue reading)

AIG BONUSES: Someone Get a Rope… The Angry Mob is Already Here.

Tweet I cannot even believe what’s going on in our country today. I am so totally pissed off at greedy, obnoxious, mega-rich corporate executive fat cats that I can’t see straight. Apparently, and I am not making any of this... (Continue reading)

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The Letter I Sent to Senator Feinstein Today…

The Letter I Sent to Senator Feinstein Today...

What follows is the text of a letter I sent to Senator Feinstein today. The situation is grave and worsening as related to private sector loan modification companies. Soon they will all be gone if something isn't done... (Continue reading)

The Foreclosure Crisis: Private Sector Solutions vs. Government Cheese

The Foreclosure Crisis: Private Sector Solutions vs. Government Cheese

Our nation is facing a home foreclosure crisis. Four million Americans have already lost homes to foreclosure, and forecasts show another 3.6 million foreclosures through 2010. Who knows what will happen beyond that, the numbers could go even higher. Housing... (Continue reading)

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I’m Sorry Mr. President That’s Just Not Enough

I'm Sorry Mr. President That's Just Not Enough

President Barack Obama traveled to Mesa Arizona this week to tell the country about his Homeowner Affordability & Stability Plan to fix the housing market. I didn't watch his speech. I didn't listen to it on the radio. I didn't... (Continue reading)

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