Student loans are another in a long line of predatory lending, securitization scams, but this time judges are dismissing suits in which creditors can't prove ownership of the loan.... (Continue reading)
Before securitization children were raised receiving fewer presents for their birthdays and holidays and I don't need a source for that statistic. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and that's a fact. Hotel rooms never cost $600... (Continue reading)
SallieMae is now offering financing for the high costs of... kindergarten? It's even marketing loans available for pre-K, which I'm pretty sure we used to call, "nursery school." I never thought to ask my mother how much it... (Continue reading)
Recent estimates are that American consumers owe over $1.1 trillion in such student loan debt, and one look at the cost of college tuition makes it easy to see why. They say the average graduate is coming out of... (Continue reading)
Have you found your mortgage servicer to be a tad offensive at times. Well, that's to be expected, after all, they are a bill collector, right? Well, here's some news that will drive you insane... mortgage servicers are... (Continue reading)