This is not a tragedy that discriminates. The race diminished as a result of what is being allowed to transpire will be "human". ... (Continue reading)
Iceland's mortgage write-down program happened as a result of thousands of its citizens taking to the streets demanding that something be done about the debts the people had incurred buying homes during the bubble at what turned out to be... (Continue reading)
The European bankers are no different than is the FHFA, which is led by Ed DeMarco, the guy stopping Fannie and Freddie from reducing principal balances of mortgages. He says he won't do it because his job is to... (Continue reading)
Dear Greece... The Dracma will be fine and so will the people, but not if you wait too long, or if you continue with a prime minister who is an ex-central banker. Toss him out, re-shuffle the deck and... (Continue reading)
So, there you have it... a veritable cornucopia of bad news... and all of it from CNBC, a cable news channel that normally broadcasts nothing but bull... markets. Bull markets... that's what I meant. But, it's getting impossible... (Continue reading)
I write this political year-in-review holiday poem every year. I love doing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it and will send it to others of like mind as well. Happy Holidays!... (Continue reading)
I'm also fearful that we've become a nation of people that doesn't believe in our democracy anymore. A nation of people who will wait for things to happen to them, rather than trying to change what happens to them.... (Continue reading)