Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

A Podcast with David Andelman of CNN and USA Today…

A Podcast with David Andelman of CNN and USA Today...

I watched David on television when I was a teenager, standing in front of the White House, as the correspondent for CBS Evening News.  There's no question about it... he's a very smart guy who has seen an amazing amount... (Continue reading)

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Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

Why the Media Misinforming Seniors on Reverse Mortgages is Wrong and Even Dangerous

And reverse mortgages keep homes safe from foreclosure, and millions of seniors have lost homes from foreclosure over the last five years. Many were denied loan modifications because they had equity in their homes. I can't help but... (Continue reading)

Debt Forgiveness – The IMF, Iceland, and the U.S. of the 1930s all say it works

Debt Forgiveness - The IMF, Iceland, and the U.S. of the 1930s all say it works

Iceland's mortgage write-down program happened as a result of thousands of its citizens taking to the streets demanding that something be done about the debts the people had incurred buying homes during the bubble at what turned out to be... (Continue reading)

A Nation So Utterly Divided…

A Nation So Utterly Divided...

And not only are we splitting off in more directions than the London subway, but I'm afraid too many of us have started to like it that way. It's become a badge of honor for some people. ... (Continue reading)

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