Posts Tagged ‘chapter 7’

GUEST POST: Debtor Education Course: Are Joe and Sally to Blame? By Attorney Russ DeMott

GUEST POST: Debtor Education Course: Are Joe and Sally to Blame? By Attorney Russ DeMott

Russ truly likes helping people with financial struggles. "I view my practice as a way to level the playing field between ordinary citizens"”the voters"”and Corporate America"”the vote buyers. I'm unapologetically on the side of the little guy." And you... (Continue reading)

A TIME FOR GOOD JUDGEMENT: The jury is in AND we need judges to modify the way banks behave.

A TIME FOR GOOD JUDGEMENT:  The jury is in AND we need judges to modify the way banks behave.

Our country is in crisis, and we can't expect the banks to act for the overall good of our society... that's not their role... that's the role of the elected representatives who serve in our government. No surprises there,... (Continue reading)

The Most Damaging Propaganda Campaign in History. And its Aimed at You and Me

The Most Damaging Propaganda Campaign in History. And its Aimed at You and Me

Debt is a status symbol... debt is a sign of success... debt is cool... you should want as much debt as you can get... being approved for more debt means you've made it. I want to be a gold... (Continue reading)

In Re Walker, Part Deux – March 3rd, 2011, may just be a HUGE day for California Homeowners

In Re Walker, Part Deux – March 3rd, 2011, may just be a HUGE day for California Homeowners

So, Citi's lawyers filed a new proof of claim... and Ricki Walker's attorney, Mitchell Abdallah, filed a new objection, so Judge Sargis will once again have a chance to uphold the rule of law and change the playing field for... (Continue reading)

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

Now, clearly this is a decision that's worth reading for one's self... Judge Grossman is one heck of a writer and not one to play patty-cake with MERS or those of the banking persuasion, but I thought I'd at least... (Continue reading)

Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Elizabeth Warren or Bust, I’m Drawing the Line

Ms. Warren should unquestionably be asked to head up this new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, bribed, begged and/or pleaded with, if need be. Without her philosophy and leadership setting the standards and tone of this new bureau as it... (Continue reading)

The Question of Bankruptcy

The Question of Bankruptcy

Having now spoken with several people who have struggled with the question of filing bankruptcy, I'm just trying to offer my two cents in case it might help even one person. ... (Continue reading)

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