Posts Tagged ‘arizona attorney general’

KPHO Channel 5 Arizona Airs Story on Rep. Seel’s Principal Reduction

KPHO Channel 5 Arizona Airs Story on Rep. Seel's Principal Reduction

Spolier Alert: Rep. Seel, who wonder of wonders... serves on the... wait for it... BANKING AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE... DENIES that his $100,000 principal reduction had anything to do with his decision to run late that day and not propose the... (Continue reading)

The Kings and Queens Loan Mod Scammers: Arizona & Nevada Sue Bank of America Over Loan Modification Program

The Kings and Queens Loan Mod Scammers: Arizona & Nevada Sue Bank of America Over Loan Modification Program

So, when the opportunity came up to investigate the banks as a result of things like robo-signers fraudulently signing affidavits in order to foreclose on people's homes, came to light, Terry Goddard was one of the state attorneys general to... (Continue reading)