September, 2016

Wells Fargo’s Tolstedt Did Exactly What She Was Supposed to Do

Wells Fargo's Tolstedt Did Exactly What She Was Supposed to Do

See, I thought that working at a bank like Wells Fargo would mean having to persuade customers to open new accounts. So, obviously I'm no Carrie Tolstedt.... (Continue reading)

Attorney Nick Wooten is Suing Banks in Illinois for Breaking Into Homes

Attorney Nick Wooten is Suing Banks in Illinois for Breaking Into Homes

Banks are still breaking into homes they don't own and homeowners are still coming home to find that all of their belongings are gone... sold or dropped off at the dump. Nick Wooten has a plan to make them... (Continue reading)

The Single Best Tool for Downsizing in Retirement is Called: HECM-for-Purchase

There's no better tool for downsizing in retirement than the HECM for Purchase, a mortgage insured by the FHA. So why do so few homeowners and/or Realtors know anything about it? ... (Continue reading)

How a HECM Reverse Mortgage Saved a Homeowner Over $200,000

How a HECM Reverse Mortgage Saved a Homeowner Over $200,000

Homeowners with significant amounts in their retirement accounts can often benefit from using the HECM because it's a tax free source of funds.... (Continue reading)

Thank You Specialized Loan Servicing (SLS) for Helping Mrs. Presterl Keep Her Home

Thank You Specialized Loan Servicing (SLS) for Helping Mrs. Presterl Keep Her Home

Specialized Loan Servicing (SLS) has agreed to provide Mrs. Presterl with a loan modification so she will not lose her home after all!... (Continue reading)