Posts Tagged ‘pass through certificates’

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

New Bankruptcy Court Decision Sounds the Alarm – The USS MERS is Going Down

Now, clearly this is a decision that's worth reading for one's self... Judge Grossman is one heck of a writer and not one to play patty-cake with MERS or those of the banking persuasion, but I thought I'd at least... (Continue reading)

THE SiGNiNG… Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

THE SiGNiNG... Or, Pardon me, Mr. Banker, but your REMIC is showing.

So, why didn't the bankers assign the loans to the trusts? I don't know... for sure. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you it's because they wanted to borrow against them, and... (Continue reading)

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