Posts Tagged ‘Michael dell’

Now we care about how Steve Mnuchin at OneWest Bank handled foreclosures?

Now we care about how Steve Mnuchin at OneWest Bank handled foreclosures?

Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary is a good one. Yes, OneWest foreclosed more than it should have, but it also got better, becoming one of better servicers when modifying loans. ... (Continue reading)

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It’s WRONG

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It's WRONG

In just two days from now, on Monday, January 30, 2012, at 3:00 PM... a terrible, tragic and yet easily avoidable event is scheduled to occur... and MUST BE STOPPED. OneWest Bank is scheduled to conduct a foreclosure auction... (Continue reading)



But, it's hard for me to be happy without thinking about the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of fathers who while they smile through their day, are also worrying about what will happen tomorrow because they know that, despite... (Continue reading)

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

House Hearings to Answer Question: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?

Everything's going just fine. There are no real problems with HAMP or with the servicers who are implementing HAMP. Oh sure, there have been a few challenges, but most of them have been caused by the borrowers who... (Continue reading)

JUDGING INDYMAC – New York Supreme Court Judge Finds IndyMac’s behavior “repugnant, shocking, repulsive and completely devoid of good faith”.

JUDGING INDYMAC – New York Supreme Court Judge Finds IndyMac’s behavior “repugnant, shocking, repulsive and completely devoid of good faith”.

IndyMac/One West Bank... Mortifying abuse... completely devoid of good faith... harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive. Bravo, Judge Spinner... Bravo! When I read it for the first time, it literally brought tears to my eyes. ... (Continue reading)