Posts Tagged ‘bank bailouts’

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again…

If You Think the Meltdown Was the Fault of Homeowners, Think Again...

So... in "Pillage," Nomi Prins explains in terms anyone can understand that factoring in the leverage at 11:1, we're looking at a $140 TRILLION economic problem... yes, you read that correctly... that's trillion, with a 'T'... (Continue reading)

Please Stop Bernanke’s Transparency – He’s Frightening the Children

Please Stop Bernanke’s Transparency – He’s Frightening the Children

Okay, that's it... I'm convinced... Ben has never actually been to a "troubled community." Would someone in Washington D.C please take him on a tour of pretty much anywhere Southeast will do... Minnesota Avenue, Lincoln Heights, I'm sure Anacostia... (Continue reading)