December, 2016

It’s the END OF HAMP… And the Beginning of a New Era in Loan Modifications

It's the END OF HAMP... And the Beginning of a New Era in Loan Modifications

HAMP has to be one of the least popular government programs ever. The irony is that it also became the best answer for modifying loans to prevent foreclosures.... (Continue reading)

Erwin Chemerinsky: Does Anything Trump the U.S. Constitution? A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Erwin Chemerinsky: Does Anything Trump the U.S. Constitution? A Mandelman Matters Podcast

Constitutional law scholar and Dean of UCI Law School, Erwin Chemerinsky talks with me about the Trump Presidency in terms of what he thinks Trump will be able to do... and what our constitution won't allow him to do.... (Continue reading)