Posts Tagged ‘U.S. Armed Forces’

Over There… Over There… Send The Word, We’ll Foreclose, While You’re There

Over There… Over There… Send The Word, We’ll Foreclose, While You’re There

So, what exactly is the problem here, banker-people? Don't you have enough homeowners under consideration for a loan modification that you can foreclose on without notice that aren't active duty military? No one, save a handful of foreclosure... (Continue reading)

GAO Study Published May 5th Discovers Illegal Foreclosures

GAO Study Published May 5th Discovers Illegal Foreclosures

Personally, I'm holding out for the U.S. Post Office's study of mortgage servicer performance, which I hear is going to be followed up by a scathing report being issued by the Bureau of Land Management in conjunction with the Department... (Continue reading)