Posts Tagged ‘texas loan modifications’

TEXAS Foreclosure Help from Mandelman Matters – START HERE

TEXAS Foreclosure Help from Mandelman Matters - START HERE

  You have found the Mandelman Matters state specific series of pages dedicated to homeowners at risk of foreclosure in Texas.   On the pages in this section you’ll find accurate, straightforward information and guidance specific to the State of Texas... (Continue reading)

State of Texas Foreclosure Resource Links

State of Texas Foreclosure Resource Links

STATE OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT RESOURCES: Attorney General Greg Abbott Finance Commission of Texas House of Representatives Joe Straus, Speaker of the House Representatives On-Line Legislative Council Legislature On-line Legislature  On-line Bill Search Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst Office of Consumer Credit... (Continue reading)

Texas Foreclosure Laws

Texas Foreclosure Laws

CLICK BELOW FOR: State of Texas Foreclosure Laws The link above will take you to the page dedicated to Texas’s foreclosure laws.  But, always remember… often people have a hard time understanding exactly what our laws mean just by reading... (Continue reading)