Posts Tagged ‘refinance mortgage’

How to Strategic Default? Ask the MBA.

How to Strategic Default?  Ask the MBA.

How to strategic default? There's just one little, teeny-tiny, almost insignificant smidgeon of a problem with what the Mortgage Bankers Association's CEO was saying: He was completely full of shit. ... (Continue reading)

As Pressure Mounts, Bank of America Plans Principal Reductions for Underwater Homeowners

As Pressure Mounts, Bank of America Plans Principal Reductions for Underwater Homeowners

Bank of America will offer qualified homeowners an interest-free forbearance of principal that the homeowner can turn into forgiven principal annually over five years, provided they stay current on their mortgage payments. Over the five-year period, homeowner can bring... (Continue reading)

RED ALERT: Mortgage Bankers Strongly Oppose New Foreclosure Bill in California – SBX8 38

RED ALERT: Mortgage Bankers Strongly Oppose New Foreclosure Bill in California - SBX8 38

I have but one thing to say to the Mortgage Bankers Association... Kush meer in toches. You can figure that one out without a Yiddish dictionary, right?... (Continue reading)