Posts Tagged ‘President Trump’

A Podcast with David Andelman of CNN and USA Today…

A Podcast with David Andelman of CNN and USA Today...

I watched David on television when I was a teenager, standing in front of the White House, as the correspondent for CBS Evening News.  There's no question about it... he's a very smart guy who has seen an amazing amount... (Continue reading)

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Why I haven’t written about Trump’s presidency all year

I'm not angry about President Trump winning, nor about Hillary Clinton losing. For me, now it's only about our country's continued recovery from the worst economic meltdown in 70 years. But, President Trump is proving to be his own... (Continue reading)

The difference between Betsy DeVos and Past Education Secretaries

The difference between Betsy DeVos and Past Education Secretaries

I profiled the qualifications of two past education secretaries alongside the resume of Trump's nominee, Betsy DeVos' and the comparison is both stark and shocking. ... (Continue reading)

Understanding the Real Story on Immigration and Sanctuary Cities

Understanding the Real Story on Immigration and Sanctuary Cities

Can Trump do what he's promised related to immigration? Are there millions here illegally that are criminals? And are "sanctuary cities" the problem or the only practical solution?... (Continue reading)