Posts Tagged ‘Judge spinner’

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It’s WRONG

DOER ALERT: OneWest Bank Needs to STOP a Foreclosure Sale Monday Because It's WRONG

In just two days from now, on Monday, January 30, 2012, at 3:00 PM... a terrible, tragic and yet easily avoidable event is scheduled to occur... and MUST BE STOPPED. OneWest Bank is scheduled to conduct a foreclosure auction... (Continue reading)

JUDGING INDYMAC – New York Supreme Court Judge Finds IndyMac’s behavior “repugnant, shocking, repulsive and completely devoid of good faith”.

JUDGING INDYMAC – New York Supreme Court Judge Finds IndyMac’s behavior “repugnant, shocking, repulsive and completely devoid of good faith”.

IndyMac/One West Bank... Mortifying abuse... completely devoid of good faith... harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive. Bravo, Judge Spinner... Bravo! When I read it for the first time, it literally brought tears to my eyes. ... (Continue reading)