Posts Tagged ‘Janet Tavakoli’

IF TRUE, IT’S TREASON – CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf and the Impact of the Foreclosure Crisis

IF TRUE, IT'S TREASON - CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf and the Impact of the Foreclosure Crisis

I suppose I'll never know who was involved or what you've done to this nation by manipulating or withholding such information from Congress, from the president, from the American people and from the world. If you did any of... (Continue reading)

New Fed Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin Gives Me Reason to Hope

New Fed Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin Gives Me Reason to Hope

I read her speech yesterday evening; parts actually gave me chills, and parts left me with a hopeful tear in my eye. She says almost exactly what I've written in my articles on at least dozens and at this... (Continue reading)