Posts Tagged ‘FAS 157’

Geithner is Allowing Banks to Recapitalize on Backs of Homeowners, or… Games Bankers Play

Geithner is Allowing Banks to Recapitalize on Backs of Homeowners, or... Games Bankers Play

I'll say one thing for Secretary Geithner: He's great at distraction. He goes, "Lookie over here." Then he points his finger towards China... and a pigeon flies out of his ass. You really have to watch this... (Continue reading)

Wells Fargo’s Surprising Profits? Time to Go Short…

Wells Fargo's Surprising Profits? Time to Go Short...

Oh, hell... the fact is, tying the amount of "credit extended" to TARP funds is ridiculous. The TARP funds were invested by the government to recapitalize banks, not to provide funds that would be lent to borrowers, and making statements... (Continue reading)

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