Posts Tagged ‘ecoa’

GUEST POST: Stop HAMP Discrimination Against the Disabled and the Elderly

GUEST POST: Stop HAMP Discrimination Against the Disabled and the Elderly

Retirees and the handicapped experience higher living expenses, including home maintenance, spiraling healthcare costs, utilities, and other expenses associated with age, disability, and/or deteriorating health. That fact progressively reduces their disposable income and ability to make mortgage payments. ... (Continue reading)

Federal Reserve Issues Directive: Regulation B’s Adverse Action Notice Applies to Loan Mod Denials

Federal Reserve Issues Directive: Regulation B’s Adverse Action Notice Applies to Loan Mod Denials

Assuming you're an attorney or a homeowner who has lost a home and didn't receive a letter from your slender or serrvicer explaining why you were declined for a loan modification, within thirty days of being declined, I believe the... (Continue reading)