An Invitation to All California Homeowners That Need Help with Bank of America Loans… “¨

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There are two upcoming events for California homeowners seeking assistance with their Bank of America mortgages and if that’s you, I really think you should plan on coming to the meeting location nearest you and below you’ll find a link to make your reservation to attend.

For almost five years, I’ve been writing articles about the foreclosure crisis to help homeowners better understand and get through the economic downturn and foreclosure crisis.  I’m a homeowner advocate… someone who’s on your side and I’ll be there talking to homeowners and helping people understand their options… because there are options.

San Jose – July 16 – 18
Los Angeles – July 23 – 25


Bank of America has invited me to see what goes on at these types of events on several occasions this past year, so I’ve seen what goes on first hand and I can tell you that homeowners can get something accomplished at these events.  You’ll be able to sit down and meet face-to-face with a Bank of America loan modification specialist who is trained to help you with your loan and has access to the systems and tools needed to help you resolve your situation in the best possible way.

In many instances, assuming you bring your income documentation with you to the meeting, that can mean getting your loan modified.  And when that’s not possible, there’s always a better answer than foreclosure… and that’s what the trained staff at these meetings want too… they want to help you avoid foreclosure.

I know… many homeowners don’t believe that… maybe they tried to get their loans modified in the past and found it more than frustrating or maybe they just read horror stories on-line or heard them from others, but a lot has changed at Bank of America and what used to be… isn’t that way anymore.  I’ve seen the new and improved process first hand, in fact, this past year I’ve followed dozens and dozens of homeowners though the process at Bank of America and I can tell you that it does work.

The fact is that I’ve helped many homeowners with Bank of America mortgages get back on track… click here to see what two homeowners recently had to say about the experience…

My Experience with Bank of America, Martin Andelman and Getting My Loan Modified

Our Foreclosure Story Ended Happily Because of Martin Andelman and Bank of America

But you have to come to a meeting and see for yourself, because for many, only seeing will lead to believing, I understand.

I’ll be there talking to homeowners and helping them understand the process… I’ll do anything I can to help save a home from foreclosure… and when that’s not possible, I’ll be there to help people make the best of a terrible situation so that they can understand the options that will put them in the best possible position going forward.

But, I can’t help you if you don’t show up… if you don’t try… and be sure to bring all your documents with you… you can find a list of what you need online when you make your reservation to attend by clicking here: REGISTER HERE.  And you do have to make a reservation so that Bank of America can be sure to have enough counselors on hand for everyone.

I’ve spent five years talking to homeowners about their situations and if there’s one thing I’ve come to know for sure… it’s the uncertainty that’s the worst of all… sleepless nights, not knowing what the next day will bring.  Well, let’s put an end to that and get you some definitive answers as to what your options are so you can choose the best path for you and your family.

I don’t want anyone to leave without knowing the facts of their situation… so if nothing else you’ll come away with the answers you need to make the best decisions going forward.  There are all kinds of ways Bank of American can help homeowners and I’ve seen them do it time and time again.

San Jose – July 16 – 18
Los Angeles – July 23 – 25


So, please… accept this invitation from me and from Bank of America… click the link below and make a reservation to attend one of the upcoming homeowner events.  Come and meet me and the loan resolution team specialists at Bank of America and let’s see if we can get something done that makes your life better than it was before you came.

That’s my goal, and I truly believe that’s the goal of Bank of America too.  There’s nothing scary about it… and if anyone gives you a hard time… I’ll be there to stick up for you… lol.

It doesn’t get any better than that… right?

I’m looking forward to seeing you in San Jose or Los Angeles.  It’s time to take your power back and this is the perfect opportunity to get something accomplished and the answers you need. Don’t miss out on this chance to let Bank of America show you what they can do to help you get back on track with your loan.

I know… it’s no fun to be behind on your mortgage, but you’re not alone… there are millions in the same situation.  I understand and believe it or not, so do the people at Bank of America.  If they didn’t, they sure as heck wouldn’t have invited me to be there, right?

Of course that’s right.  So, why not give it a try and click to REGISTER HERE right now.

If you have any questions, you can email me at

I really do hope to see you there, and if you know others with Bank of America loans that need help, please spread the word and forward this invitation to them as well.

Mandelman out.