September, 2017

I Have a Good Friend That I Don’t Agree With, Should I Hate Him?

I Have a Good Friend That I Don't Agree With, Should I Hate Him?

Think however you want to think about things. If we're friends, I might tell you that you're wrong, but you don't have to adopt my view. I won't hate you for it.... (Continue reading)

The Legend of Trump the Outsider and the Same Old Ugly Politics

The Legend of Trump the Outsider and the Same Old Ugly Politics

The legend of "Trump the Outsider" provides comfort to his supporters who believe that his outsider status will be more beneficial to this country than his inexperience will harm it.... (Continue reading)

Student loans missing chain of title paperwork being wiped out by courts

Student loans missing chain of title paperwork being wiped out by courts

Student loans are another in a long line of predatory lending, securitization scams, but this time judges are dismissing suits in which creditors can't prove ownership of the loan.... (Continue reading)