What the Fed Chief is Thinking…

Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke communicates more than any of his predecessors, but have you found yourself increasingly wondering what in the world the man is thinking behind that shiny dome and professorial facial hair?

Yeah, well me too.

Please tell me the President of the United States did NOT just ask that question… again. 


How does Geithner say things like that with a straight face?  



PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in quantitative easing. 



No, no sir… that’s not what I meant.  I LOVED your Final Four picks.



Perjury?  Yeah, whatever.  If I told the truth I’d be dead in a week.



There’s no place like Princeton… there’s no place like Princeton… there’s no place like…



And Lord, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, a plague on the House of Summers wouldn’t be undeserving, right?  And if I might just throw an idea out there… frogs.  

Both timeless, and entertaining.


Well, yes… I agree, Senator… home economics is a very important class to have under your belt.



How the f#@k am I supposed to know what’s happening at Goldman Sachs?  God doesn’t even know what’s happening at Goldman Sachs.  I heard even “HE” was long in ’08.



Opportunity of a lifetime?  I was his first and only choice?  Sure I was.  Greenspan is such a dick.


Mandelman out.