Posts Tagged ‘tax credit’

Optimism is Hard Thing of Which to Let Go – The Car Sales Recovery Surprise

Optimism is Hard Thing of Which to Let Go – The Car Sales Recovery Surprise

Tell you what WSJ people… next time feel free to call me on stuff like that. I don’t depend on automakers breaking things out, I actually have functioning eyes and ears and I use them pretty much all the... (Continue reading)

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

I Guess Nobody Wants to Read Bad News: Fed Chair Ben Bernanke’s Testimony to Congress

People… we have to stop the foreclosures. They breed more foreclosures. They reduce spending and lower tax receipts. They cause increased unemployment. They cause more bonds to default. They make our banks insolvent. They... (Continue reading)

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